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The Board of Governors

The business affairs of the University of Michigan Club of Greater Detroit are conducted by its Board of Governors. There are twenty four members, with six being elected by the Club membership in June of each year. All serve a four-year term. The officers of the Club are elected by the Board of Governors to serve one-year terms.

This group meets monthly during the school year, and spends a great deal of time and effort in the administration of Club affairs. The Governors handle the major Club functions by means of committees. Committee heads are appointed from the Board of Governors by the Executive Committee.

Executive Committee

This committee composed of the Club's officers, former officers, and key committee chairmen, acts as an advisor to the Board of Governors. Its knowledge and experience are used to guide the Club's activities, and it recommends to the Board suggested policies and functions for the University of Michigan Club of Greater Detroit.

Club Scholarship Committee

The U of M Club of Greater Detroit Scholarships are generally awarded to graduates of Southeastern Michigan High Schools. Names of students who have had high scholastic records in high school, and who have shown qualities of leadership, are submitted for consideration to the Committee. Final selection of the students receiving these awards is made by the Scholarship Committee. Funds to cover these scholarships are obtained from income earned from the Club scholarship endowment fund, profit on Club activities, and payment made by Club members who have established a scholarship in memory of an individual.

Football Bust Committee

For the past eighty-eight years, at the end of the football season, it has been the pleasure of our Club to give a banquet for the members and coaching staff of the University of Michigan football team.

A hearty meal, songs, and speeches from University administrative and athletic officials, round out the program.

It is an evening which every football player looks forward to, the seniors in particular, for the Cub presents each of them with a gold "M" ring. Unless you have attended one of our busts you have no conception of the thrill each person in the audience experiences as these young worthy representatives of Michigan say farewell to their coaching staff and old teammates.

Golf Outing Committee

An annual golf and supper outing for the entire membership is held in Ann Arbor. Golf prizes and an excellent meal all help to make this a delightful day with old friends. The annual Club reports are presented to the body at large, and short after-dinner speeches by athletic officials and coaches round out the program. This event has proven very popular with the Club membership, with attendance exceeding 350 regularly.

Membership Committee

Our large Club membership is the direct result of this committee's efforts. Its most important function is its active work with the University alumni residing in the Metropolitan Detroit area, from which new members are obtained.

Networking Events Committee


Social Events Committee


Transportation Committee

The Transportation Committee started in 1940's as a result of a meeting between former Regent, Past Club President and long time Club member Fredrick C. Matthaei, (1914) and former University of Michigan Head Football Coach and Athletic Director Fritz Crisler. We have been traveling as a Club to support our team ever since. These trips have always been a fundraiser with all profits going to support the Club's scholarship fund.

University and Alumni Relations Committee

This Committee, composed of members of our Club's Executive Committee and active alumni, is concerned with the working out of University problems as they relate to the alumni. The Committee has several dinner meetings with University officials and faculty members, at which time problems of the University are discussed and methods arrived at whereby the University of Michigan Club of Greater Detroit can be of assistance.

Young Alumni Committee

The primary purpose of our Young Alumni Committee is to recruit and engage young alumni in the area (generally in their 20's and 30's) so that they may become active and productive members of the Club. The committee consists of three sub-committees (Social, Business, and Community Service) that organize and administer events that young alumni are likely to enjoy. All members of the Club are always welcome at the events, but they are generally designed with our younger Club members in mind.
PO Box 970684
Ypsilanti, MI 48197